Tuesday, January 10, 2012

i just don't know when to shut up... I'm always making a mess of things..tonight should have been fun but now its awful.. he wont talk to me look at me...Grrr.. why am i such a jerk.  It was the dumbest argument in the history of the world and i just couldn't let it go and now the night i ruined  hopefully i will tun around because.. i don't like this i just wanna have a nice time with him....

Monday, January 9, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012



i don't know what i doing...
almost 2yrs since you broke my heart and i still  love you more then anything..
i feel like such and asshole.. all i want is to love you and be loved by you .. raise our daughter and be happy.. am i crazy to think that will ever happen..all you do is shut me out.. push me away. even as I'm typing this i know how it sounds.. I'm such a fool.. why would u wanna be together.. your free to be and do whatever you want minus me and abbey.. why would u wanna be together when.. you still get what u need from me.. i don't know why i still give in to it.. and its not you it me .. if i didn't do it.. you would ask.. i know that. i guess i just want to be close to you any way i can..
i really thought you where the one.. i really thought that we'd be married by now.. and happy.. i believed in happily ever after.. i believed in us.. in you.. i love you so much.. and my heart breaks every day I'm not with you.. i know you don't feel the same and that should have me running in the opposite direction.. but it doesn't I'm a fool